Planning Tools and Strategies

Table of Contents


Building on the previous chapter, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, this chapter examines various land use planning tools and strategies that can be used to mitigate hazards. The first section provides general tips for applying the risk assessment results to planning. The remainder of the chapter focuses on specific planning tools and strategies aimed at reducing risk and mitigating hazards. 

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Summary of Planning Tools and Strategies
Icon of an avalanche


Icon of a drought


Icon of an earthquake


Icon of flooding


Icon of hazardous materials spilling

Hazardous Material Release

Icon of a thermometer

Extreme Heat

Icon of a landslide

Landslide, Mud / Debris Flow, & Rockfall

Icon of the ground caving in

Soil Hazards

Icon of a flame


Icon of windy conditions

Wind Hazards

Icon of a snowflake

Severe Winter Storm

Addressing Hazards in Plans and Policies

Comprehensive Plan

Climate Plan

Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Parks and Open Space Plan

Pre-Disaster Planning

Strengthening Incentives

Community Rating System

Density Bonus

Development Agreement

Transfer of Development Rights

Protecting Sensitive Areas

1041 Regulations

Cluster Subdivision

Conservation Easement

Land Acquisition

Overlay Zoning

Stream Buffers and Setbacks

Improving Site Development Standards

Stormwater Ordinance

Site-Specific Assessment

Subdivision and Site Design Standards

Use-Specific Standards

Improving Buildings and Infrastructure

Building Code

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Code

Enhancing Administration and Procedures

Application Submittal Requirements

Post-Disaster Building Moratorium

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