Site-Specific Hazard Assessment

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When hazards are potentially present on a site or are known through previous mapping efforts, the community should require a site-specific hazard assessment. This type of assessment requires a qualified professional with specialized knowledge of the particular hazard of which they are assessing. The appropriate professional (e.g., geotechnical specialist, civil engineer, wildfire mitigation specialist, certified forester, and certified floodplain manager) will consider existing state and/or local hazard maps; prior evidence of hazard history; and on-site features such as topography, soils, forests, water channels, and other structures to determine risk level of or to the proposed development. When applicable, communities may have a specific assessment form that is used to rate the hazard. This information will typically be compiled into a site-specific hazard mitigation plan that will require specific mitigation actions to be performed prior to or as a condition of approving the application or issuing a development permit, building permit, or a certificate of occupancy. This may include recommendations or requirements to adjust the land use, alter construction and building design, or utilize (or protect) surrounding environmental features to minimize the degree of hazard. This information will be provided to the developer, contractors, and/or property owner, and may be included in the planner’s staff report for the planning commission or governing body. 

Ultimately, the purpose of a site-specific hazard assessment is to identify hazards, determine a path for hazard mitigation, increase public safety, and reduce the threat of future property damage or loss of life. 

Requirements for when to require site-specific hazard assessments vary by jurisdiction and hazard. In some cases, the state may provide additional agency oversight, resources, or guidance as to when further site investigation is required for hazard mitigation, such as the oil and gas requirements for soils information and potential geological hazards. Local regulatory requirements are usually stated in the zoning code, subdivision code, building code, or a separate code (e.g., wildland-urban interface code). 

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In 2003, Eagle County adopted wildfire regulations that require new development (special use permit, planned unit development (PUD), and subdivision) and new building construction or exterior remodels to comply with wildfire regulations. Development involving subdivision or PUD must include a vegetation management plan submitted with the sketch plan that provides an initial site-specific evaluation prepared by a natural resource professional with expertise in the field of vegetation management and wildfire mitigation. The vegetation management plan submitted with the preliminary plan is required to contain a more detailed site-specific analysis as indicated by the regulations. 

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  • Site-specific hazard assessments are the best (and in some cases the only) way to identify hazards on a site and determine the most effective methods for mitigation. 
  • Assessments can highlight potentially hazardous conditions prior to any development occurring. 
  • Assessment approaches that facilitate staff and applicant interaction regarding appropriate hazard mitigation requirements provide an important educational component for discussing solutions to addressing known hazards. 
  • Results in reduced risk to property and life.
  • Site-specific hazard assessments require additional upfront time and resources for both the local government and the applicant. The process requires additional time to perform the assessment, create a mitigation plan, review the results with an applicant, and do a follow up site visit when necessary. 
  • A site-specific hazard assessment will also require specialized technical expertise that may result in additional costs borne by the applicant and/or local jurisdiction. If the local jurisdiction does not have qualified staff to perform the site-specific hazard assessment, consider maintaining a list of independent qualified contractors for referral. 
Model & Commentary
Key Facts

Administrative Capacity

High, requires technical expert



Regulatory Requirements

Yes, but varies by jurisdiction



Adoption Required


Statutory Reference 

C.R.S. references relate primarily to general land use authority and administration and requirements for when site-specific assessments may apply, including but not limited to C.R.S. §§ 30-28-106, 30-28-133, 30-28-136, and 31-23-206. 

Associated Costs

Variable. Sometimes recovered by fees charged to applicant. Some fire districts may do these assessments for free 

Additional Resources

Examples of the Tool

Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation

Eagle County Wildfire Regulations

Town of Vail Municipal Code Chapter 21: Hazard Regulations

For More Information

American Planning Association: Zoning Practice, February 2005 Issue Number Two: Practice Better Site Visits. Stuart Meck. 

American Planning Association Report Number 560: Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning. Provides additional examples of state legislation and local codes for site-specific assessments. 

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